PIT or Miss

TJCTF 2018 - Steganography (80 pts).

TJCTF 2018: PIT or Miss

Challenge details

Event Challenge Category Points Solves
TJCTF 2018 PIT or Miss “Forensic” (Steg') 80 22 solves

Download: source.py - md5: eeea2c62e599f95e479699f98f7dd5dd


Author: Alaska47

My friend sent me this image and told me that “red is an indicator”. I’m not really sure what he was saying but I don’t think it has anything to do with chemistry…

Edit: Please submit the md5 hash of the entire flag (including tjctf{}) instead of actually submitting the flag.


The Image was hiding data using Pixel Indicator Technique.
We had to fuzz the channels and switch the order when two channels are used.



By looking at the challenge name, I already know what I had to do.
I downloaded the file, it was an image. I decided to do a reverse search then compare with the given image.
I found the original here: image.jpg.
Here is a comparaison between the two image (SUB operation with StegSolve tool):
We can identify some differences.
As I said, I’ve already worked with PIT. I also made a script on github few month ago ! (I’m sure some of the teams used it).

Here is a quick explanation of the algorithm:
First we have to defined our channels with N.
Note: N is encoded in the 8 first bytes of the image (in the 3 first pixels).
Once the channels are defined, we can start our parsing:
Please that the parsing start at line 2.

Adapting PIT

I decided to reuse my script and modify it as necessary. The first difference with original PIT was: Indicator Channel is set (red). We will need to fuzz to check if channel one correspond to blue or green.
The second difference with PIT: the condition with ‘01’ for ch1 and ‘10’ for ch2 are switched (or the step ‘11’ add ch2 first instead of ch1).
The last difference witch PIT: Extracted bits are decoded as a long bloc of bits instead of blocks of 8 bits (see decode function).
Last step: we will need to test diffents values for N (the size of embedded data).

Here is the final Script - md5: 03f47c412a7d54655f261f7a6dabd077.

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from PIL import Image
import binascii

def get2lsb(n):
    """ Return 2 last LSB as String """
    n = n%4
    if(n == 0):
        return "00"
    if(n == 1):
        return "01"
    if(n == 2):
        return "10"
    if(n == 3):
        return "11"

def decode(i):
    """ Long int to String (thanks to #ENOENT) """
    if len(i) > 0:
        n = int(i, 2)
        n = hex(n)[2:][:-1]
        if len(n) % 2 != 0:
            n = "0"+n
        return n.decode("hex")
    return ""


img = Image.open("3675a1345da00ecb4b7eee40e0d8a6c028d28b7acfff34739432d1576356e2bd_output.png")

w,h = img.size

IC = 0  # set Indicator channel
c1 = 1  # set Channel
c2 = 2  # set Channel

# RMS = Remaining Size (data embedded)
RMS = 8*1207  # Set remaining data (first was ~ 100 then I updated to get the full flag)

# pxsl = 1D list of pixels
pxsl = list(img.getdata())[w:]  # [w:] => Starting parsing at line 2

flag = ""  # Flag (bits)

i = 0  # Current px
while(RMS > 0):  # WHile there is still px to parse
    indicLSB = pxsl[i][IC]%4 # Get IC Informations
    if(indicLSB == 1):  # if IC == 01
        flag += get2lsb(pxsl[i][c1])  # Note that we used C1 instead of C2 (see diff' n° 2)
        RMS -= 2
    elif(indicLSB == 2):  # if IC ==  10
        flag += get2lsb(pxsl[i][c2])  # Note that we used C2 instead of C1 (see diff' n° 2)
        RMS -= 2
    elif(indicLSB == 3):  # if IC == 11
        flag += get2lsb(pxsl[i][c1])
        flag += get2lsb(pxsl[i][c2])
        RMS -= 4
    i += 1

### Decode flag



echo -n "tjctf{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}" | md5sum

